How to Make Your Ex Want You Back?

How to Make Your Ex Want You Back?

Want to get your ex back?

Trying to make your ex want you back is not as complicated as you may think.

In this post, I’ll be discussing how to get your old flame back and give advice for both men and women.

How to Get Your Man Back (Women Advice)

Going through a break up can be the worst.

However, you may be feeling hurt or angry and want to vent to your best friend. This is perfectly normal.

First thing to do is to actually let yourself feel these emotions and cut him off completely for a while.

Next, avoid badmouthing him. 

If you ever want to open the door to being together with him again, spreading weird rumors or sending mean texts won’t do you any good.

If you want him to want you back, there is a step by step method you can take. You need to understand the male psyche.

Click HERE to Get Your Ex Back (Women)


If you see him with another girl quickly, don’t worry.

She is most likely just a rebound and he is probably still fantasizing about you, thinking about you, and still secretly wants you.

One mistake here is to try to outright convince him to get back together with you. That makes you look needy and desperate – which will turn him off completely.

Realize your old relationship is GONE and that’s a good thing.

To make your ex come crawling back to you, you need to get him to forget all the negative memories and plant the seeds of romance, passion, and sexuality so he can’t imagine being with someone else.

You can get started now!

The worst thing you can do is to feel sorry for yourself or wait until he comes back.

There is specific techniques and actions you can take now to set the stage.

You still have a chance.

Take Action and Make Him Want You Again NOW!

How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back (Men Advice)

In order to get your ex girlfriend back, you need to rekindle what you once had and remind her what she saw in you in the first place.

If you had negative qualities or habits that caused the relationship to end, then you need to seriously work on yourself and improve.

If you made a mistake, then it’s important to SHOW her that you are sorry.

Just apologizing or trying to talk may not be enough. It’s important to take ACTION QUICKLY.

If you are pro active, then you can get her back quickly by making her want you again.

Click HERE to Get Your Ex Back (Men)


You can reignite those strong feelings inside her by triggering the emotional side of her brain.

However, you need to say certain things and present yourself in an amazing light.

Three additional things to keep in mind is:

1. Time

2. Effort

3. Understand

You need to give your ex TIME and space for a while. Part of making her want you back is to show her that you change.

You need to put EFFORT in your presentation and actions. After you learned the proven methods, you have to commit. In other words, it has to be believable.

UNDERSTAND why it didn’t work and avoid the same mistakes.

Remember you’re basically starting a new and better relationship.

Don’t Wait, Take Action NOW!



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